September 16, 2021

BrainStorm by UsAgainstAlzheimer's Trailer

BrainStorm by UsAgainstAlzheimer's Trailer

About This Episode

BrainStorm, a free podcast series by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, features conversations with doctors, researchers, authors and luminaries, people living with dementia and their caregivers. We’ll delve into what matters most to you about your brain, and ask questions about keeping your memory sharp and maintaining optimal brain health. Learn about the latest in the science of longevity, Alzheimer’s and cognitive disease research. We’ll look at disparities in diseases, and equity and access for all. New episodes, hosted by Meryl Comer, are available first and third Tuesdays of every month. Join Us!

BrainStorm Feed


Music and Mind Series – Part 3 with Connie Tomaino

How does someone with a movement disorder that effects executive functioning suddenly move to music with a dance tempo?  Concetta M.


Music and Mind Series – Part 2 with Connie Tomaino

How can someone with supposedly no memory recognize a familiar melody?

Dr. Dean Ornish – Lifestyle Changes and the Reversal of Alzheimer’s Symptoms (part 2)

Lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise can reduce the risk of developing dementia. A recent study by Dr.