October 19, 2021

Are We Ready to End Alzheimer's? Hell no.

Are We Ready to End Alzheimer's? Hell no.

About This Episode

Are we ready to end Alzheimer's? Hell no. That is the view of George Vradenburg, chairman and co-founder of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, as he talks about the progress made to end Alzheimer’s during his opening remarks of our 2021 National Alzheimer’s Summit.

But he's not giving up and neither is UsAgainstAlzheimer's. Hope is finally here in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, but more work remains before we are ready to end this disease. In this episode of BrainStorm, listen to George Vradenburg's assessment of where we are and where we need to be in this fight. Hear stories from care partners and those living with the disease about the value of research and how their needs and insights guide UsAgainstAlzhiemer’s advocacy with policymakers.

BrainStorm by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s airs on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 

BrainStorm Feed


Music and Mind Series – Part 3 with Connie Tomaino

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Music and Mind Series – Part 2 with Connie Tomaino

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