December 7, 2021

SPECIAL EDITION - Giving Voice to Those Living with Alzheimer's

SPECIAL EDITION - Giving Voice to Those Living with Alzheimer's

About This Episode

This SPECIAL EDITION of BrainStorm gives voice to those living with dementia. Hear from three individuals: journalist, Greg O'Brien, The Very Reverend Tracey Lind, and advocate for the Latino Community, Daisy Duarte. Each refuse to let their diagnosis or risk for Alzheimer's define them and have become their own best advocate for change.
This special episode celebrates the 5th anniversary of UsAgainstAlzheimer's A-LIST, an online community of 10,000—where people with Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias, or mild cognitive impairment, as well as family caregivers and people interested in brain health—come together to research the experience of living with this disease and caring for a loved one. We call it the science of us. Hear host, Meryl Comer, and guest, Virginia Biggar, Executive Director of Communities, discuss the A-LIST data and what matters most to the Alzheimer's community. 

Join the A-LIST at

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Music and Mind Series – Part 3 with Connie Tomaino

How does someone with a movement disorder that effects executive functioning suddenly move to music with a dance tempo?  Concetta M.


Music and Mind Series – Part 2 with Connie Tomaino

How can someone with supposedly no memory recognize a familiar melody?

Dr. Dean Ornish – Lifestyle Changes and the Reversal of Alzheimer’s Symptoms (part 2)

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