August 16, 2022

Glenda Wrenn Gordon, MD, MSHP - The Power of Telehealth

Glenda Wrenn Gordon, MD, MSHP - The Power of Telehealth

About This Episode

The United States and much of the world continue to face a brain and mental health crisis that has worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic recession. Last year, nearly 40% of adults reported symptoms of depression or extreme stress. These are both risk factors for Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

In this episode of BrainStorm, host Meryl Comer speaks with Glenda Wrenn Gordon. MD, MSHP,  President of Mindoula Clinical Services, about the power of telehealth and the important role of technology.  Dr. Wrenn Gordon talks about the value telehealth provides from early detection of dementia to caregiver support. Learn the importance of culturally centered integrated care in supporting mental health.

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s offers BrainGuide, a platform to help you or a loved one test your memory with customized support resources. Learn more at

BrainStorm Feed


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