December 20, 2022

Ken Dychtwald - Breakthroughs at the Tipping Point

Ken Dychtwald - Breakthroughs at the Tipping Point

About This Episode

Rising longevity and the aging of boomers worldwide are radically altering both the demographic landscape and every aspect of our personal, social, financial, and political lives.

 In this episode of BrainStorm, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s National Summit keynote speaker Ken Dychtwald, Founder and CEO of Age Wave, talks about the future of health, medicine, aging, and longevity.  What gero-science breakthroughs are currently at the tipping point and how can we ensure that our health spans and brain spans match our life spans? Dr. Dychtwald is counted among the foremost visionaries and original thinkers in the field and was honored by World Leaders magazine as one the world’s visionary leaders making an impact in 2022.

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