August 1, 2023

Debra Tann, Ed D - Author of The Race of Dementia

Debra Tann, Ed D - Author of The Race of Dementia

About This Episode

Alzheimer’s disease spares no one… and this story could easily be anyone’s story. Debra Tann Ed D., author of The Race of Dementia talks with host Meryl Comer about juggling her advocacy work while caring for her husband with dementia at home. Recipient of the 2023 Bright Focus Foundation Community Impact Award, Dr. Tann breaks the silence of the Alzheimer’s journey and talks about the stigma of Alzheimer’s and her push for education, equity, and access to health services for all. 

This episode is sponsored by Eisai.

Produced by Susan Quirk and Amber Roniger.

BrainStorm Feed


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