Music and Mind Series – Part 3 with Connie Tomaino

How does someone with a movement disorder that effects executive functioning suddenly move to music with a dance tempo?  Concetta M.


In 2012, before podcasts, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s began a call-in talk show hosted by George Vradenburg and Meryl Comer that transformed into a webinar. These archived episodes are listed below.

Caregiving and Coping with Dementia in a Pandemic

While caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is challenging at any time, the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders may mak


Insomnia and Alzheimer's - Dr. David Holtzman & Dr. Kristine Yaffe

Families living with Alzheimer’s know that sleep patterns can change dramatically as the disease progresses.


Responding to Dementia in Diverse Communities

How are community-level organizations helping our health system to improve its capabilities to care for those with dementia in diverse communities?


Dementia from All Angles: Telling Our Stories to Fight for Change

A Featured Conversation from UsAgainstAlzheimer's 2019 National Alzheimer's Summit