Music and Mind Series – Part 3 with Connie Tomaino

How does someone with a movement disorder that effects executive functioning suddenly move to music with a dance tempo?  Concetta M.


In 2012, before podcasts, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s began a call-in talk show hosted by George Vradenburg and Meryl Comer that transformed into a webinar. These archived episodes are listed below.

Developing a Culture of Brain Health - Dr. Neelum Aggarwal

No longer a concern simply for later years, achieving brain health across the lifespan requires understanding, attention, a


Millennials & Brain Health: Be Brain Powerful

While Alzheimer's disease is most common among people aged 65 and older, research from AARP and UsAgainstAlzheimer's finds its effects are being fe


Biomarker Tests: What We Know & What's Ahead - Scott Lewis & Melissa Bianchi

What if a blood test or other simple exam could one day detect Alzheimer’s?


Veterans & Alzheimer’s: What's The Link? What Resources Are Available? Thomas Edes, MD & Alex Chiu, PhD

For Veterans Day, our Alzheimer’s Talk focused on the Alzheimer’s risks that veterans face, the Department of Veterans Affa


In Search of a Way to Inhibit Tau - Prof. Claude Wischik

Tangles of the protein tau in the brain are known to be a sign of Alzheimer’s, but research seeking an Alzheimer’s treatment has